Just BE! International

Monday, July 31, 2006

Just BE! International Newsletter – Issue 26 – “Re-INVENT Yourself part 2”

Dear Esteemed Friend,

I am sure you have been expecting this concluding part for a while now. Enjoy this month’s edition as we bring to a close our study on “Re-INVENT Yourself”.

Now, last month we saw the first five (5) re-invention strategies in the path of Jesus’ transition to the Holy Spirit (John 14-16; Acts 2). They are:
1. Speak About It
2. Take A Break
3. Travel Inward And Ahead
4. Buffer Up
5. Alter Positively

Let us now go on to the remaining part of our treatise:
6. Timing Is Important: You will need to arrive on the other side at the right time. Pentecost was the time for Christ’s
re-introduction (Acts 2). At Pentecost, the audience was right, and large too (Acts 2:5). Don’t arrive post-mature or
pre-mature. Don’t abort also. Introduce yourself, your brand, your institution etc at the right time.

7. Find Your Company: Jesus Christ first re-appeared as the Holy Spirit upon his disciples (Acts 2:1-4). Stay with the right people, the right association, etc in your building up stage. They are important in every stage of your re-invention process. Know your company.

8. Reveal Yourself: At the end, the Holy Spirit arrived just like Jesus Christ predicted it. You have gone through the process. You have worked on yourself thoroughly. You have enlarged your capacity. You have dreamt of the future. Now, BEcome that future! Reveal the re-invented you! Your audience awaits!

But then, I must let you know that the “old” self, the process and the “Re-INVENTED” self are all hidden in God’s person (John 15:5). All through your process stay with God. Keep in touch with him. He will do for you more than you can imagine! (Ephesians 3:20,21). Stay with God.

I want you to take what you have learnt from this Re-INVENTION strategy and apply it to your life, your business, and every other area that you perceive needs a re-introduction. If it worked for Jesus Christ, it will most definitely work for you.You will succeed! Re-INVENT yourself! BE!

1. Need an in-depth session on “‘Re-INVENT Yourself” for personal or organizational development? Then contact Amenze on 08053258223 today!

2. Want to support Just BE! International as a partner in progress? Send an email with the message “Support JBI? How?” only to justbeintl@yahoo.com.

3. Next month, “METHUSELAH’S Health Plan”.