Just BE! International

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Just BE! International Newsletter – Issue 23 – "The Addiction to Purpose!"

Dear friend,

I never cease to be amazed at the die-hard commitment many men and women have had towards their BEcoming their dreams in life. Such passion is definitely worth emulating.

People like Martin Luther, Joan of Arc, Galileo Galilei, Aristotle, John D. Rockefeller, Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Paul the Apostle, Simon Peter the Apostle, Ken Saro-Wiwa, just to mention a few of them, are people who lived for their purposes, so much so, they had to die living it! Today, their names provoke global attention and celebration. In this Easter season, one person that readily comes to mind is none other than the Man, Jesus Christ.

The passion of the life of Jesus Christ in the execution of His assignment (John 9: 4; John 4:34), and the fact that He knew death awaited Him at Jerusalem at the tail end of His walk on earth, but He still went there (Matthew 20: 17 – 19; Mark 10: 32 – 34), are issues worth studying. Jesus knew that for one to BE, then you must live to die. In His words, “Anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go…you’ll have it forever, real and eternal” (John 14: 25 – The Message translation). He went to Jerusalem, He was killed, but He resurrected! (Hebrews 12:1, 2).

What is holding you back from BEcoming all you were designed by God to BE? What is keeping you from fulfilling your assignment? Is it sleep? Blatant laziness? Lack of focus? Prayerlessness? Nonchalance towards your dreams? Procrastination? The fallacy that you need to know somebody to help you? Friend, just BE! Live your dreams! Get addicted to your purpose! Your purpose is your assignment on earth! Your purpose is the discovery of the specifics of why God created you! Really, time is not on your side! Get addicted to your dreams and BE! You shall succeed!
Take charge! Maximise life! Just BE!

In Him,


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