Just BE! International

Monday, August 29, 2005

Just BE! International Newsletter-Issue 15-"Skill Is Required!"

Dear friend,
In the Bible, precisely the book of First Chronicles chapter eleven, from verse four to chapter twelve and verse forty of the same book (i.e. I Chronicles 11:4-12:40), we are told of some men who served in King David's army. These few men led a total army of 303,822. Some of these leaders were Joab, Jashobeam, Eleazar, Abishai, Beniaiah, Uriah, Ira, Asahel, Uzzia, Eliel, Attai, Ezer, Joelah, etc, just to mention a few. What caused these few men to lead the rest?
Simple. They had skill above the rest or rather they had skill in their skill i.e. in their skill/craft/business/purpose, they had skill/expertise/mastery/command/mastership. Friend, the only way we can stand out in this world, in God's plan and purpose for our lives, i.e. whether as interior decorators, as teachers, as architects, as publishers, as consultants, as pastors, as businessmen and women, as husbands, as wives, as marketers, as musicians etc, is to be skillful i.e. full of skill. No wonder, the Bible described these few leaders as experts in war, experts with all instruments of war (I Chronicles 12:33,35,36).
Determine to become so skillful that when the world needs anybody in your craft, you will make top 10, and if possible, top 5. Get training and re-training, be creative, travel, get exposure, stay with God that He may give you great ideas that will turn the world the right side up! But understand, Ecclesiastes chapter nine verse eleven (Ecclesiastes 9:11) tells us that it is not only skill that will make you stand out. Time and chance or rather, the ability to recognize your opportunity and the right time to show forth your skill is also very important. You will not miss your time! Amen! Get skillful!
Friend, have a great life! Take charge! Maximise life! JUST BE!

PS: Please kindly forward this letter to as many people you feel it will be of immense benefit to. God bless you as you help to propagate this dream. Also, if Just BE! letters have been of immense benefit to you one way or another, please let me know. Write, call or just send an email. I would love to hear from you. Stay blessed!


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