Just BE! International

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Just BE! Newsletter – Issue 14 – “What The Rich Invest In”

Dear friend,
Grace greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. The subject of investment is one that has gained much acceptance in Christendom today. As Christians, we are now beginning to understand a truth: God wants us to be affluent because He wants us to be a blessing to the world (Genesis 12: 1 – 3). To invest simply means setting something aside as it multiplies to be used later. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).
This study is based on the 2003 top ten (10) richest people in the world. If we study those who have gone ahead, we will learn how we must behave. There are 4 major categories of investments:
1. Information: Information cannot make anybody wealthy. It is what you do with information that makes one wealthy. Investments in this category involve the transfer, production, creation, analysis etc of information. Such investments include libraries, book clubs, cyber cafes, pay phone centres, Internet Service Provision, GSM/3G Networks, magazines, setting up information banks, broadcast stations, e-zines etc. Information will sell if it is current, has style and is meeting a specific need.
2. Consumer goods/ Consumables: This involves a broad category of goods, but here, service is the key. Investments here involve Retail shops, Discount shops, Farm produce, Supermarkets, Petrol stations, Fashion products, Fast food chain etc. Success is also achieved in having more than one outlet.
3. Stock market (and other related investments): This is one of the most dynamic. Here, money is put into ‘systems’ and these systems make money for you. The stock market, debentures, bonds and insurance are in this group. Here, you must investigate before you invest. Also, think long-term investing in this group.
4. Real Estate: Personally, I believe God is interested in real estate (Genesis12: 1-8). This category deals with landed property i.e. Houses, Resorts, Hotels, Motels, Golf Courses etc. Real estate appreciates yearly but it has been known to depreciate in some countries.
These are the 4 categories of investments rich people like you and I ought to invest in.
Let me state 3 things in closing:
1. You are rich when you have all the good things of life and can still share it with those that do not have those good things.
2. At some point, those who controlled Oil were the richest. Then it became Information. It may be something else tomorrow. Stay sharp.
3. Follow your heart and invest right. Don’t follow the crowd.
I love you, but God loves you more! Take charge! Maximise life! Just BE!

1. Recommended reading: “How To Be Rich” – J. Paul Getty; “How To Be Led By The Spirit Of God” – Kenneth Hagin; “The Secrets Of Millionaires” – George Sterne; “In Pursuit Of Purpose” – Myles Monroe; “The Power To Create Wealth” – Robert Tilton; “The Richest Man In Babylon” – George S. Clason.
2. Happy National Day to all JBI mailing list partners residing in USA! (July 4)
3. Please, forward this mail to as many people as you suspect it will be of immense benefit to. Also, let me know what you feel concerning this letter. Send an email, write or call! I want to hear from you!
4. Please, see go to the weblink below to view past letters especially the one titled "JBI The Ministry".


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