Just BE! International

Monday, October 04, 2004

Just BE Newsletter - Issue 5 - Arise NIGERIA!

Dear friend,
I’m sure you enjoyed last month's newsletter. I thank the Lord God Almighty.
This month is being dedicated to Nigeria. On October 1,2004, Nigeria became 44 years from Independence (October 1,1960) and about 90 years from the amalgation of the then Northern and Southern Protectorates. Interestingly, I find that Psalms 44 tells a story of Nigeria's past, present and future. I urge you to read it immediately after you've read this. Psalms 90 also does the same thing.
Ladies and gentlemen, the siege is almost over. A New Nigeria is dawning upon us. This is because we (i.e. Nigerians) are now understanding that we, the people, are the resource of the nation and that we are the hope of many nations. Sometime ago, a prophecy came forth that Africa looks like a gun with Nigeria as the trigger and South Africa as the nozzle. Recently, President Olusegun Obasanjo became the Chairman of the African Union (AU) and the Nigeria Image Project has tagged Nigeria as "The Heartbeat Of Africa". Nigeria is gradually becoming to BE! and when we BE, we shall DO, and then we shall HAVE all things according to the plan and purpose of God for Nigeria.
Nigeria is going to encounter many dramatic but Heaven-directed changes within the next few years right up to 2007 (and then beyond) where a culmination of events so wonderful, shall take place, the entire world will marvel. Look, I am proud to be a Nigerian! Get yourself a big "Green-White-Green" and place it everywhere you are - in your office, at home, in your cars, everywhere you can think of! Pray for Nigeria everyday! (Psalms 122). Pray for those in power and the future leaders. (I Timothy 2:1-4). A strong prayer point is that God should speedily enthrone all His Josephs, Esthers, Davids, Daniels and Cyruses in His plan and purpose for Nigeria. But remember, develop yourself then you can build your family, then your community, and then a nation to be envied by the world will be birthed.
Friends, there is hope for Nigeria. And guess what, we are the hope! (Romans 8:18-39). Nigeria, JUST BE! Dear friend, JUST BE!

PS: Recommended reading: I strongly recommend the book "Home Made Success" by Debo Omotunde. Debo Omotunde is the CEO of Practical Solutions International, a ministry having tremendous impact in Nigeria & on Nigerians. For copies of the book and where to buy, you can reach Practical Solutions Int'l on 08055167745(International: +234-805-516-7745). The book is a must read, a timeless classic!


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