Just BE! International

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Just BE Newsletter - Issue 02 - The Nigerian Dream

Dear friend,
I read a book recently that was written by a respected voice in Nigeria. Interestingly, he made mention of The Nigerian dream but did not define it (in my own estimation). A comparison was made with the fact that there is an American dream (which the Americans know, but I don't. I am a Nigerian!) and that this dream has 'made' people like the Walton’s (Wal-Mart), Bill Gates (Microsoft Corp.), Donald Trump (Trump Towers) and many more to become who they are. I then decided to look inwards. I asked myself, and of course God (my Father!), a very serious question. What is the Nigerian dream?
I read that it was this Nigerian dream that 'made' people like the Ibru's, Bunmi Oni, Erastus Akingbola, Mike Adenuga, Pat Utomi etc. but what is this Nigerian dream? After much brooding, the answer came. The Nigerian dream can be summarized in three words, "E GO BETTER!"
"E GO BETTER!" This Nigerian dream is a hope, a belief, that one day, everything we see, everything we know, everything we feel, everything we believe, will somehow, someway, one day, just get better. It is what drives us (or the ordinary man, or simply, the Nigerian), to want to experience a new and better tomorrow.
"E GO BETTER" forces us not to give up, no matter what condition we find ourselves. With no jobs (?), bad road networks, unsavoury telecoms, electricity at an unideal level, most people being self-centered, workers underpaid, Nigeria importing so much, etc, one day, "E GO BETTER!"
Interestingly, it drives many to success through the proper path (i.e. God's way of doing and being right-Matthew 6:33 Amplified Bible), but sadly, many through the improper path. Many of us, in our daily sojourn, then come to a realisation, a point of discovery, that for it to indeed get better (for us, our families, our friends, our communities etc), it is up to us. It is this dream of "E GO BETTER" that stands us out as Nigerians. It gives us as it were, tenacity, a will to fight back, to never be down trodden, to stay aboard, to keep persisting, to never give up, no matter what!
People who then help us to live this dream, of indeed making it better, become our heroes. Those who do not, unsung personalities.
Friends, I believe this Nigerian dream has God's backing (see Job 8:7; 3 John 2; Proverbs 22:29; Genesis 1:28). Progress and getting better are cardinal principles of our walk with God. I am a Nigerian and I am proud of it. Our progress in life lies in our daily walk with God and in our taking and making steps to become better. And truly, with God as a partner with and in our labour (Romans 8:28 Amplified Bible), I believe, and I know, that someday, somehow, sometime, indeed, "E GO BETTER!" That, I believe, is the Nigerian dream.

PS: let me know what you think about this! Send me a mail or call! I’d love to hear from you!
.....................JUST BE!


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