Just BE! International Newsletter – Issue 23 – The Largest Nation
Dear friend,
One of the greatest truths I have discovered in life is that of ‘The Largest Nation on Earth’. Now, the largest nation is not China, neither is it the United States of America. It is not Canada or Russia either. The largest nation on earth is not geographical. The largest nation on earth is the Nation of Images. Yes, the ‘Imag(e)-I-Nation’ or rather, Imagination.
Imagination is so large and powerful that everything thrives in it! Anything you put into the imagination, if you constantly brood/meditate upon it, will come to BEing, whether positive or negative. In the nation of images, anything is possible! God formed man from His imagination! (Genesis 1:26,27); Man began creating the tower of Babel from his imagination! (Genesis 11:1-6); Job’s life became what it was because he imagined it before hand! (Job 3:25); In short, all of a man’s life is a product of his imagination (Proverbs 23:7).
Hence, it becomes imperative that imagination is used constructively and not destructively. This law is too powerful to be toyed with! Why? God has designed the law of life in such a manner that not only will a person become his or her most predominant mental brooding (or imagination), everything around that person, living or inanimate, will help you to become that thought! Situations and circumstances will naturally bend to fit our most dominant thought patterns, whether good or evil. Positive imaginations breed faith hope, and inspiration while negative imaginations breed fear, despair and worry (Galatians 6:7,8). Interestingly, there is a prescription of what we are to think about: whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). Let these be what guides your imaginations, and you will succeed!
You shall BE! Use your imaginations to think positive, right, pure and productive thoughts always and it is just a matter of time, you shall BEcome what you see in your mind! (Ephesians 3:20, 21 – keyword – ‘Think’).
Take charge! Maximise life! Just BE!
PS: Recommended reading: 1. “As A Man Thinketh” – James Allen2. “The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success” – Brian Tracy
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