Just BE! International

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Just BE! Newsletter – Issue 12 – “He Still Made It!”

Dear friend,
The Bible states emphatically, “Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 2:1,2). Jesus Christ is the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Are you having doubts as to whether you will finish strong? Don’t! Take a cue from the life of Jesus, the Christ:

1. He was in Bethlehem-Judea at the age of ten (10) and the child with the closest age after Him was about seven(7). An entire town had lost childen because of Him. Imagine the stigma! (Matthew 2:16-18).
2. He was a carpenter. History lets us understand that He probably helped His earthly father in his vocation, carpentry. He was not a shepherd, a Pharisee or Sadducee. A carpenter! What a vocation! (Matthew 13:54,57).
3. He was not a look-alike of Joseph or Mary. He was the express image of His Father. (Luke 1:35).
4. There must have been talk in town (i.e. Judea) that, “Mary probably played the whore to get Him! After all, He doesn’t look like His parents!”. Many thought He was the result of an
illegitimate relationship/affair. (Psalms 68:6a).
5. He had tax collectors, runaway soldiers, ex-prostitutes, former lepers, fishermen e.t.c. in His band as disciples. Many must have thought He was a joke.
6. He was about 5ft 8in or 5ft 9in tall. How do I know? Get the book “Heaven” by Jesse Duplantis. Hence, J.C. was not a 6-footer bloke! He was one of the regulars (?)
7. The religious order, i.e. those who called the shots, i.e. the Pharisees, the Priests e.t.c. hated His guts. Imagine a life where “the system” is against you. You need a big heart to stand.
Ask Martin Luther King. He knew this. (Matthew 27:1).
8. At 30, He left home! I mean, His ministry started at 30! Now, I know there’s something significant about the age 30. Joseph became Prime Minister at 30 (Genesis 41:46); David was 30 when he began his reign as king (2 Samuel 5:4); Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14 - 16). I guess at 30, a man is meant to take care of his own but Jesus had to go to do God’s work at that age. Funny, isn’t it? (Luke 3:23).
9. The household of Jesus Christ, i.e. mother and brethren, did not believe in Him. Now, at some point, they belived Him, then later, they lost it. They believed again at His death. But, simply put, for a long time, He did not have home support. He was a loner in His assignment (Matthew 12:46-50; John 7:1-9).
10. Many believed Jesus Christ operated by devils. How bad could this get? Doing God’s work, meeting needs and still, “He operates by Belzeebub!” (Luke 11:14 - 23).
Now, I do not think all these are your troubles. Jesus Christ, man, I love Him! Despite all the oppostion, He lived His life! He made it to the cross! He still kept on proclaming what He believed in! He later gained His family’s respect and trust! But above all these, He arrived! He still made it!
Friends, no matter what, go against the odds! JUST BE!

Recommended reading:
1. Finishing Strong by Steve Farrar.
2. Plans, Purposes and Pursuits by Kenneth Hagin.
3. Last month, I was with Rev. Sam Adeyemi of Daystar Christian Centre, Ikeja, Lagos State. Friends, Just BE! International is repositioned to help you to fulfill your God-ordained purpose.
Also, next month, Just BE! will be one year! Halleluyah! Has Just BE! Letters helped you one way or the other? Have you been inspired to BE? Please, let the Just BE! crew get to know your comments before the June edition is released. Take charge! Maximise life! JUST BE!