Just BE! Newsletter - Issue 10 - But Thy Will Be Done! (Easter Special)
The night was quiet. It was Gethsemane, His usual rest place. All the disciples had slept but still, the Master lay awake. It was not a wake of rejoicing; He was groaning, shrieking, crying, shouting, praying. All these actions were directed at none other than the Father, His Father. Very soon, the Son was to become the sin offering. Then he came to the three, Peter, James and John and said, “You could not watch with me but an hour. Watch and pray lest you fall into temptation” (Matthew 26:36-46). His voice was authoritative but with elements of weakness. He went back and continued His struggle. He had to walk this walk, but this time, alone. Eternity depended on His resolve at that point. His sweat became as blood. Such agony, such turmoil, such trouble. It was too much to bear. He wanted a way out! But it was not possible. The script had been written long before now. He must fulfill purpose! He must live His assignment! He must BE! Finally, Jesus, the Christ, the Master, the Son, the Man, said, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done”. That was it. it was the Father’s decision. Not His. It was time. He knew it. The Cross seemed to call Him. And that was what He did; to the Cross He went.
There are times in our path to fulfilling God’s call upon our lives that, funny as it may sound, we try to negotiate with God. God gives us a picture of where we are supposed to be heading to but because we want to have our way, and also because of fear of the seemingly uncertain(?) future, we want to do other things before focussing on what God originally, according to His predestined and predesigned script, called us to BE! We need to understand that we cannot fight God. His gifts and the calling are without repentance (Romans 11:29). No matter what the gift is, whether writing, painting, teaching, a call to the ministry, singing, administration, interior decoration, counselling, poetry etc, for us to enter the fullness of our assignments, we must get to a point where we must say, “Father, not my will but yours be done!”. It is then that we can become truly fulfilled in life. Did Jesus not say in the scriptures, “…I am the way, the truth and the life…” (John 14:6) and also, “…for without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5) ? We must yield to Him, surrender to God’s way, else we lose at the end of the day. Sacrifice, committment and focus are three(3) things for going ahead to our crosses that we may live; that we may BE!
Lastly, if you are reading this letter and you have not yet entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ and made Him your personal Lord and Saviour, how can you ever expect to BE? If God is not on your side, I wish I had a better way to say it, but you can only operate in life at average capacity. You cannot totally BE! God has been looking out for you, waiting for you to call on Him. Tomorrow may just be too late. If you want to move over to the right side, God’s side that is, if you are tired of struggling without progress, if you want to encounter the life force that will engineer you to BE!, then pray this simple prayer: “Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I accept your Son’s work for me at Calvary, His death to buy my life, to give me life, even eternal life. Cleanse me of my sin nature in Jesus name, amen. I accept Jesus Christ into my heart as my personal Lord and Saviour. Send your Holy Spirit to me heavenly Father. I boldly declare that I am born again to the glory of God and to the shame of the devil. Thank you Father in Jesus name, amen”. That is it! you are now a Christian! Welcome to the winning side.
Friends, today and always, take charge! Maximise life! JUST BE!
1. H A P P Y E A S T E R 2 0 0 5!
2. If you just made a decision to accept Jesus Christ into your heart, please call me or reach me quickly! Also, especially if you need info about a proper Bible-believing church in your locality, please reach me A.S.A.P! Welcome home!
3. Just BE! Int’l would like to apoplogise for not posting poetry this month as promised. By God’s grace, the poem would be coming up in the April edition. Thank you for understanding.
4. April 29 - May 1, 2005 - Dr. Benny Hinn will be ministering live in Nigeria! The venue is RCCG Redemption Camp Congress Grounds, Km 46, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. Time is 5p.m. daily.
5. Click on the weblink provided below to view past editions of Just BE! Letters!