Just BE Newsletter - Issue 04 - Assets & Investments
Dear friend,
The world has gone through 4 stages of ruling powers. These are Military might, Religious power, Political power and Economic power. We are in the days of the 4th i.e. Economic power. Evidently, the Bible makes us realise that Economic power will be a veritable tool in advancing the kingdom of God in the last days (Haggai 2:1-9). Hence, it is proper we understand, in totality, concepts guiding our use of money according to God's laws, or what I’ll call, Christian Economics.
Truly, certain cardinal concepts in Christian Economics, which must be adopted by anyone who is a son of God, include the following:
1.Work! (to earn money)- (I Thessalonians 4:11,12; II Thessalonians 3:6-13);
2.Pay your tithes and offerings to God (Malachi 3:8-12; Luke 16:1-13);
3.Giving money for the advancement of the kingdom of God (Deuteronomy 8:18);
4.Saving money in a bank to be used later (Genesis 41:25-36);
5.Giving alms/money to the poor (Matthew 6:1-4);
6.Honouring our parents by increasing their comfort in life (Exodus 20:12; Luke 7:9-13);
7.Investing money in our spouses, children & families (I Timothy 5:8);
8.Paying ourselves! (Ecclesiastes 2:24;3:13;5:18;8:15);
9.Investing in stocks, real estate, insurance, bonds, etc, engaging in commerce and using our talents and gifts to make money (Ecclesiastes11:1-6; Matthew 25:14-30);
10.Paying our taxes and levies to the government (Mark 12:13-17);
11.And many more other ways!
Truly, to exhaust the tenets of Christian Economics, would require volumes of books. But, may I say that we must ensure that money does not drive us away from God. money is the servant, we are the masters. Luke 12 verse 15 says, “And he (i.e. Jesus) said unto them, take heed and beware of covetousness; for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth." (KJV). (see also I Timothy 6:10,17-19). Many have lost God because of a needless search for wealth. One does not search for what he already has. You will be wealthy as long as you follow the rules of Christian Economics stated earlier. The primary reason God gives us wealth is for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
If you want to be wealthy, invest in assets! i.e. in stocks, real estate, bonds, debentures, etc. If you want to remain wealthy, give your wealth back to God. After all, He gave it to you in the first place. It is never, "my money!"; it is always, "the money that God gave me to oversee as a privileged custodian of His ever-abundant resources".(read Luke 16:1-13). Life is more than money; success is not money!; success is knowing God; success is being, doing and having what God wants you to be, do and have per time!
Friends, there is space for multi-millionaires like you and me at the top. I choose to see you there. stay strong before God! JUST BE!
PS: Recommended reading: Where Did All My Money Go? by Jimi Tewe (Call me if you need copies of this highly inspiring book on Christian Economics); The 5 Rituals Of Wealth by Tod Barnhart; Making The Most Of Your Money by Ray Linder; Parable Of Dollars by Sam Adeyemi; The Power To Create Wealth by Robert Tilton.